Megane - Works in Tortoise.
(Kaeru-Cushion by Yu Nagaba)
(Viwa by Anamachy Painting)
Tortoise sells Anamachy Painting's works and Kaeru-Cushion.
« 2009年05月 | メイン | 2009年07月 »
(Kaeru-Cushion by Yu Nagaba)
(Viwa by Anamachy Painting)
Tortoise sells Anamachy Painting's works and Kaeru-Cushion.
2009年5月30日(土)ロサンジェルスはダウンタウンにあるセレクトショップ「MOUMENTS」にて、Megane-Zineのリリースパーティが開催しされました。Megane-Zineは日本の若いアーティストをアメリカに紹介するためにStarGraphicsより発行されたジーンです。20ページからなる第一号には長場雄、穴薪ペインティング、花井祐介の3名のグラフィック作品が紹介されています。今回のリリースパーティに合わせ、新作を含むこの3組によるグループ展「Megane-Exhibition」も同時開催されました。また、会場にはフランス人音楽ユニット「Le Branche」によるライブパフォーマンスなど様々なアーティストとの交流の場ともなり、感度の高いLAの若者から、アート好きな大人まで来場者は300人を超えパーティは深夜までつづき、大きな盛り上がりを見せていました。また、同店では作品の展示販売を会期終了後も引き続き継続する予定ですので、ロサンジェルスに来た際にはいつでも見れるとのことです。
+81、Atmosphere、Slam X Hypeにも掲載されています!
Select shop "MONUMENTS" which is placed in down town of LA had the release party of the Megane-Zine on 30th of May.
It seems like there was lots going on in this opening. The exhibition of the new work by three artists include Yu Nagaba, Anamachy Painting, and Yusuke Hanai was there. Also there was a live performance played by french musician unit "Le Branche" and the space became place to come for artist to discuss, young LA kids, for those who love art to hung around and went on till midnight. People can drop by to see this show after the 7th of June!
I love his works. David is one of great artist in NY. When I visited him, He's still painting on the wall. His art show was opened at the New Image Art Gallery. It's so cool! I posted +81, please check it out.
David EllisはNYで活動している凄いアーティストです!詳細は+81のWEBにて紹介させていただきましたので是非ご覧下さい。
I love my studio!
Shepard Fairey with my zine!
Koichiro is one of my best not only friend but also artist. Stopping At - Koichiro Takesue Solo Exhibition
My favorite cafe at Santa Monica, "Ground Work"
They have many kinds of organic coffee beans.
And tea leafs.
The vegan chocolate chips muffin is so nice!
ARI, art management office, based in Tokyo, is proud to announce the opening of Tokyo-based emerging painting
artist, Takehiro Yoshimits first solo show "FLaT DaNCe", in Fo Tan, Hong Kong at Blue Lotus Gallery.
‘FLaT DaNCe’ by Takehiro Yoshimitsu
An exhibition including drawings and paintings presented as an installation in Stage 1
Exhibition Dates: 28 June – 13 Sept
Opening: Sunday 28 June 09, 4 - 6pm
Exhibtion Venue: Stage 1
G/F Unit 26, Wah Luen Industrial Building
15-21 Wong Chuk Yeung Street, Fotan, Shatin. Hong Kong
Opening Hours: From Thursday to Sunday, 1-7 pm (Otherwise on appointment)
About the exhibition:
Artist statement:
I am interested in hidden possibilities. I believe that the powerful and the great can fall apart in an instant, and that the small and the weak are capable of having extraordinary and almost threatening power. I only paint the pattern of the gold fish and its appearance seems to lack something. I express fragility or an existence which includes possibility, incompletion, and imperfection.’Goldfish might be seen as boring creatures, artificially created to please the human eye but I believe their charm lies in their moving sense. They jump and dance around. Even when I feel life is flat and it looks like I don’t stand a chance, I always like to think that things might change when one holds a positive power. I would at least like to realize that I am trying.
About the Artist:
Takehiro Yoshimitsu, born in 1978 in Kanagawa Japan has had numerous exhibitions in Japan but will be shown for the first time in Hong Kong with this cute little exhibition called ‘Flatdance’. Stage 1 will turn into a large fishbowl where the visitor can become part of the installation, the goldfish dancing and swimming around him. Stage 1 is located at the G/F of the industrial builing in Fotan that also houses Blue Lotus Gallery and many aritst studio’s. The location enhances the idea of the exhibition that beautiful creatures and things might come out of isolation and imperfect situations.
The artist will be present on the opening.
More pictures on request.
+ 852 6100 1295
Wah Luen Industrial building
Block A, Floor 5, Unit 24
15-21 Wong Chuk Yeung Street Fotan
(N.T.) Hong Kong
Yuka Nakamura / 中村 友香
ARI art management office
4-21-17 TakadaHigashi, Kohoku-ku,
Yokohama, Kanagawa 223-0065 Japan
mobile : +81 (0)80-3244-6992
fax : +81 (0)45-546-2361
email :
The Megane Zine will appear at the Tokyo Art Book Fair on July 10 -12!
Zine's MateにMegane Zineも参加します!!
The Mouments
125 W 4TH ST. LOS ANGELES 90013
Tel. 213.666.0666
I saw a super cool rock band!
The new Arkitip was issued!
Please check this out!!